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Privacy Policy

At Poettry, we take your privacy seriously. We recognize the importance of protecting the personal information you provide us and are committed to maintaining the security of this information. We will use the information you provide to us to provide you with the services you request and to enhance your experience on our website. We will never share your information with any third parties, and we will not use it for any purpose other than the one you have requested. We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the security of your information, and we will not keep it for longer than necessary. We will also update our Privacy Policy from time to time to keep up with changes in the law.

At Poettry, we are committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. Our Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, store, and disclose your personal information. We take the security and privacy of your data seriously and use appropriate measures to protect it. We will never sell or distribute any of your information to a third party. We may use your information to provide you with personalized experiences on our platform, to improve our services, and to contact you about updates and offers. We will always provide you with the opportunity to opt-out of any communication or service at any time.

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